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Operational Sponsorship

The SULA Society has been working in the local community to help rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome many of the dogs in need of Puerto Vallarta.  Puerto Vallarta is a beautiful town.  The work of the many rescue organizations helps provide an environment that ensures the many tourists, who are the lifeblood of much of the town, are not subjected to often harrowing sights of stray, abandoned, and abused animals.   But you do not need to go too far from the tourist centers…


The demand unfortunately continues to grow, The SULA Shelter, the largest in Puerto Vallarta home to an average of 300 dogs.  A mix of puppies and their mums to large breed dogs many of whom will spend their lives in the shelter.


We survive thanks to our supporters across the Americas, through donations, fundraising, and sponsorship.    We recognise that many of our supporters are passionate about many aspects of our operations and others would appreciate knowing where their donation money is being spent. We are introducing "Operation Sponsorships", sponsorship options allowing you to decide where you want to help us.   We have tried to offer a board range so you can select based on your budget OR your passion.   The following are the initial sponsorship options, based on the major expense areas of vet care, feeding, staff, and of course the shelter:


Staff, we have a core team of 6 workers who each work 6 days a week from 07:30 to 16:30

  • Sponsor a worker for a day - $400 pesos

  • Sponsor the groomer for one day - $500 pesos

  • Sponsor a worker for a week - $2400 pesos

  • Sponsor a worker for a month - $9,600 pesos


Food, we make raw food every single day for our dogs, and this requires a complex supply setup of donations and purchases, in addition we have many mums and pups who need both wet and dry puppy food:

  • Sponsor food for 30 dogs (one day) - $300 pesos

  • Sponsor food for 60 dogs (one day) - $600 pesos

  • Sponsor food for 90 dogs (one day) - $900 pesos

  • Sponsor food for 300 dogs (one day) - $3,000 pesos

  • Sponsor food for a week for all dogs  - $21,000 pesos


Vet care, we have great vet support from Paloma and her team.  They cover all aspects from intake, operations, spay and neuter (when no free clinic is available), and all medicines, vaccines, flea and tick treatment, specialized food, the whole works...ā€‹

  • Sponsor one flea and tick treatment -

  • Sponsor one dog intake process - $1,500 pesos

  • Sponsor average daily cost - $2,500 pesosā€‹

  • Sponsor average weekly cost - $17,500 pesos


The Shelter is great, but it is a rented facility with many ongoing costs for electricity and gas (water is well-fed), rubbish collection, and general maintenance:ā€‹ā€‹

  • Sponsor weekly rubbish collection - one week $300 pesos

  • Sponsor average one-day shelter costs - $1,000 pesosā€‹

  • Sponsor average monthly electric costs - $3,500 pesos

  • Sponsor one week rental costs - $6,500 pesos

Operational Sponsor

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Ā© La Sociedad Sula 2021      No de organizaciĆ³n benĆ©fica registrada:

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